KYS-T Series 10kN/20kN Digital Display Iron Ore Pellet Compression Testing Machine
1 Important function
1) Compression test and research for compression strength with iron ore pellet of acidity, oxydic pellet, metallic pellet, which is made of high iron concentrate, iron ore power and power shaped material.
2) Compression Test and research for compression strength, force with variety of ore pellet made of alkaline pellet, high and low temperature bonded pellet, shaft furnace burned pellet, belt type roasting pellet, grate-rotary klin pellet.
3) Test according to national, English, American, Germmany, Japanese, Italy, Russian, French, Australia, European standard.
2 standard
1) ISO 4700 Iron ore pellets for blast furnace and direct reduction feedstocks -- Determination of the crushing strength.
2) ISO 3081 Iron ores -- Sampling and sample preparation procedures
3) ISO 3083 Iron ores -- Sampling and sample preparation procedures