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Company News · Home > Company News > Textiles Tensile Testing Machine

Textiles Tensile Testing Machine

访问人数:1437  新闻作者:Susan  新闻来源:  发布时间:2015/5/29 16:55:08

GB 18401-2010 National General Safety Technical Code for Textile Products

The standard is intended to control the hazardous substances in textile products, improve textile product quality, ensure people's basic safety and health and to enforce the general safety and technical specifications for clothes and decorative textiles sold in China.

The standard divides all textile products into three categories: Infant products, skin contact products and non-skin contact products. Products are assessed in comparison with the specific technical requirements listed in the below table. Infant products should comply with the requirement of Type A, skin contact products should at least comply with Type B and non-skin contact should at least comply with Type C. All components that make up an infant product shall meet the Type A technical requirements as specified by the table below, The component less than 1% of the whole weight of non-infant products can be exempted from testing.

Tensile force: clamp the accessories and the body on textile products and extend it to certain load and hold for some time to check whether the accessories is loose or come off from the body.
As for the size of some accessories ≤3mm or can not be clamped (distortion or damage will occur if clamped),any changes after washing will be evaluated.
Tensile Testing Machine: it is can be used for tensile test for textiles and accessories of textile product.
Washing machine: comply with Rule A in standard GB/T8629.
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