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Industry News · Home > Industry News > Air Spring for Railway Vehicle and Helical Spring of Suspension Mechanism for Rolling Stock

Air Spring for Railway Vehicle and Helical Spring of Suspension Mechanism for Rolling Stock

访问人数:852  新闻作者:  新闻来源:  发布时间:2016/3/4 11:11:27


  • TB/T2841-2010 Air spring for railway vehicle  cmopared with EN13597-2003 Railway applications-Rubber suspension components-Rubber diaphragms for pneumatic suspension springs

1. Increasing stiffness of assitant spring, creeping, high or low temperature and other testing requirements,

2. vertical and horizontal fatige tesing requirement for air spring used in turing frame of shaking table.

3. Vertical damped coefficient testing requirement of air spring with orificing damping device.

4. Testing requirment for gas tightness at low temperature.

  • TB/T2211-2010 steel helical spring of suspension mechanism for rolling stock: pitch cylinder compressing spring, conicalness helical spring, unequal pitch spring, special abnormal shape spring, axial- force –deformation testing, axial stiffness testing, creeping testsing, broadwise stiffness testing, hardness(surface and core), tensile strength, axial fatige testing(type B spring), broadwise and axial fatige testing(type A spring) .

Heng Rui Jin recommending:

  • Tensile, compress, torsion, fatige testing machine serie for spring
  • WDW-TH200/40 Broadwise stiffness(loading) testing machine for spring of rolling stock
  • WDW –TH300/50 Broadwise stiffness(loading) testing machine for spring of rolling stock
  • WDW-T200 microsoft computer compress testing machine for spring
  • WDW –T300 microsoft computer compress testing machine for spring
  • WDW-T500 microsoft computer compress testing machine for spring
  • WDW-T600 microsoft computer compress testing machine for spring



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