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Industry News · Home > Industry News > Test Method for Building Sealants

Test Method for Building Sealants

访问人数:846  新闻作者:  新闻来源:  发布时间:2016/3/3 11:14:24

1.GB/T13477-2002 Test method for building sealants, 20 part in all.

8) agglutinating value of tensile

9) agglutinating value of tensile after soaking

10) agglutinating value of elongation

11) agglutinating value of elongation after soaking

12) agglutinating after tensile-pressing cycling test ueder the same temperature.

13) agglutinating value after cold tensile-hot pressing cycling test

14) agglutinating value after cold tensile-hot pressing cycling test and soaking.

15) agglutinating value after exposition of hot, trans-glass, man-made light and water

16) special performance of compressing

17) test of elasticity recovery ratio

18) test of peeling aggultinating value

2. GB/T328.1—2007 Test method of building waterproofing coiled material, 27 parts in all.

8) tensile performation of asphalt waterproofing coiled material

9) tensile performation of high polymer waterproofing coiled material

18) tearing performation (nailing pole method) of asphalt waterproofing coiled material

19) tearing peformation of high polymer, waterproofing coiled material

20) peeling performation of joint for asphalt waterproofing coiled material

21) peeling performation of joint for high polymer, waterproofing coiled material

22) shearing performation of joint for asphalt waterproofing coiled material

23) shearing performation of joint for high polymer, waterproofing coiled material

3. Testing item

Peak value of tensile loading, second peak value of tensile loading, extensibility at peak and second peak value of tensile loading. Peeling strength of joint, tearing strength of joint, tensile strength, elongation of tension fracture, loading of specific elongation, elongation of specific loading, tensile loading at yielding point, elongation at yielding point, permanent deformation of tension fracture.

4. Suitable testing machine

WDW-G2/G5/G1 2KN/5KN/10KN, testing machine for high polymer, asphalt, waterproofing coiled material.



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